Deme Acres Golf Course
17707 West Albain Road
Petersburg, MI 49270
From North:
Take 23 South to Exit 13 (Ida Petersburg) Turn right on Ida West road, go half a mile and turn left on Summerfield road. Turn right on Albain RD.
From South (Ohio):
Take 23 North to exit 9 and turn left on Summerfield RD. Follow Summerfield RD for 3.3 miles and turn left on Albain RD.
From East (Monroe area):
West on M50 to US 23 South exit 13 (Ida/Petersburg) Turn right off the exit and take a left on the first road (Summerfield RD), then right on Albain RD.
West on Dunbar, take a left at Lewis Ave. , followed by a right on Ida West RD., then left on Summerfield RD, and right on Albain RD.
If you’re unsure of the directions please don’t hesitate to call the clubhouse at (734) 279-1151